EB: so this is the seventh gate? EB: that'll take me into the palace and down to the sleeping denizen? GC: NOP3 >:] GC: TH1S 1S JUST 4 S1MPL3 R3TURN NOD3 GC: TH3R3 4R3 LOTS OF TH3S3 4ROUND GC: JUST HOP 1N GC: DONT WORRY 1LL G3T YOU TO TH3 G4T3 SOON 4FT3R TH4T
Hey check it out. Every week we'll be revealing some new troll characters from Hiveswap until Act 2 is out. Follow the Troll Call here, and meet the first two here. Expect a few more surprises like this to drop in coming weeks.