[A6A6I1] ====>

JOHN: er.
JOHN: i don't know.
DAVE: john dont get me wrong its cool that you randomly dropped by again but this wasnt really the best time
DAVE: we were kind of in the middle of a thing here
JOHN: whoops. sorry.
JADE: yeah john
JADE: did you really have to pick now of all times to materialize out of nowhere and taunt me?
JOHN: i'm SORRY!!!
JOHN: jeez, it was an accident!
JADE: so what now?
JADE: am i REALLY supposed to tackle you, just to watch you vanish yet again?
JOHN: no, no! please don't!
JADE: because i dont really feel like it
JADE: do you have any idea how frustrating that becomes after a while?
JOHN: i didn't mean to come here, really!
JOHN: i still can't control the jumps!
JOHN: i'm TRYING, but it just...
DAVE: dude are you time traveling
DAVE: please dont tell me youre time traveling
DAVE: you need to leave that shit to the experts
JOHN: no, it's not time travel!
JOHN: well, not technically.
DAVE: who do you think youre talking to here
DAVE: do you see this bright red gear on my hoodie
DAVE: that means i know stuff about time travel
DAVE: sure looks like youre time traveling to me
JOHN: no, i swear!
JOHN: ok, see, i went on a dream quest with some troll pirates.
DAVE: troll pirates
JOHN: argh, never mind. that's the long version of the story.
JOHN: ok, so i stuck my hand in this little magic house, and...
DAVE: john youre fucking shit up here
JOHN: what?
DAVE: you being here
DAVE: thats not supposed to happen
DAVE: all this shit were saying now
DAVE: its not supposed to go down like this i can feel it
JOHN: i know!
JOHN: i'm sorry, i would zap away again, but i don't know how!
DAVE: i dont think it matters now dude the pooch is already screwed
JADE: >:o
DAVE: wow wait that was a terrible figure of speech in this context but you know what i mean
DAVE: yo like i was JUST saying i didnt want to time travel anymore to avoid bullshit like this
JOHN: i promise!
DAVE: then what is it
JOHN: i dunno!
JOHN: like, some kind of surreal, history altering... reality hopping... magic power.
DAVE: thats time travel genius
JOHN: no way, dude.
JOHN: you have to trust me on this.
DAVE: alright
DAVE: but if it turns out you just created a doomed timeline and were all going to die im gonna be hella mad
JOHN: this isn't a doomed timeline.
JOHN: i'm telling you, i can change things.
JOHN: stuff that wasn't supposed to be changed.
JOHN: and i'm not saying bad stuff won't happen as a result of the things i change...
JOHN: but at least it won't make a doomed timeline!
JOHN: the new things that happen will just be...
JOHN: the stuff that's supposed to happen?
DAVE: huh
DAVE: thats pretty dope if true
DAVE: actually in a way that almost makes me more nervous
JOHN: it does?
DAVE: yeah messing with the alpha timeline
DAVE: i mean not the alpha timeline but the ALPHA alpha timeline
DAVE: almost seems
DAVE: heretical i guess?
DAVE: you sure you know what youre doing egbert
JOHN: um, earth to dave.
JOHN: i already said i don't have a clue what i'm doing!
DAVE: gotcha
DAVE: welp im sold
DAVE: but uh
DAVE: really man you kind of are interrupting a thing
DAVE: temporal mechanics not even withstanding
JOHN: what was i interrupting?
DAVE: i think this was going to be a serious conversation here
DAVE: i have a feeling jade and i were going to get all heavy with our relationship issues or whatever
JOHN: you were?
JADE: sigh
JADE: yes, unfortunately thats probably where this was going
JOHN: aw man, i'm sorry. i am fucking this up so bad.
JOHN: see, this is what i'm worried about.
JOHN: even though my random jumps are supposed to be a "safe" form of time travel, i'm still nervous that i might be ruining important events anyway.
JOHN: like, there was all this crazy stuff that happened to get us here, whether it was good or bad.
JOHN: and if i fumble around like this accidentally changing all that stuff, then i won't even know what's going on anymore.
JOHN: maybe no one will!
DAVE: uh
DAVE: does anyone even know whats going on NOW?
JOHN: that's what i'm saying!
JOHN: things are complicated enough as it is!!!
DAVE: truth
JOHN: ok, look...
JOHN: maybe we can try to minimize my impact on the current situation.
JOHN: if i fly away, do you think you can do whatever you were going to do in the first place?
JOHN: do you know what you were going to do?
JADE: yes
JADE: i was going to kick the mayor into the lava
DAVE: what??
DAVE: holy shit so uncool
JADE: i was going to make it clear i was serious about killing someone you cared about
JADE: so you would stop being a baby and start using your powers and swordfight with me you dumb jerk :p
DAVE: wow
DAVE: jade i think you might be a little too good at being a villain its kind of worrying
JADE: thank you :)
DAVE: so the mayor would be dead if john didnt show up?
JADE: oh yes absolutely
JADE: he would be burnt to a crisp right now i am sure of it
DAVE: god damn jade
DAVE: why would you do that you know eventually id probably start using my powers and reluctantly start embracing my role as a reluctant hero
DAVE: that shit always happens
JADE: no you wouldnt you were just going to argue with me forever!
DAVE: yeah maybe
DAVE: but the point is youre not going to bother killing the mayor anymore are you
JADE: i guess not
JADE: he is a very cute mayor after all
DAVE: see john your fake time travel shit is already paying off
DAVE: you saved the mayor congratulations
JOHN: ok, i'm glad the mayor is alive and well.
JOHN: but this is exactly what i wanted to avoid!
JOHN: isn't there some way you could just...
JOHN: pretend i never showed up, and let this play out the way it was supposed to?
JADE: sorry john
JADE: whatever dave and i were going to argue about
JADE: i think the moment has passed
JADE: the whole thing is kind of ruined to be honest
DAVE: ok all yall settle down im getting a text
DAVE: ...
DAVE: i cant fucking read this

> [A6A6I1] ====>

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04/02/16 - "[A6A6I5] ====>"


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RSS: Adventure Updates

Posted on 27 November 2017 by Andrew

Posted on 11 November 2017 by Andrew

Hey check it out. Every week we'll be revealing some new troll characters from Hiveswap until Act 2 is out. Follow the Troll Call here, and meet the first two here. Expect a few more surprises like this to drop in coming weeks.

Posted on 14 September 2017 by Andrew

Hiveswap has been released. You should go play it!