[A6A6I5] ====>

ROXY: haha im sorry
ROSE: Sorry about what?
ROXY: for stammering an all being an agog grinning idiot
ROXY: i just cannot....
ROXY: actually believe u are real and here and alive and not dying and so am i!
ROXY: here with u i mean + sharin all those mentioned attributes
ROSE: I can't believe it either!
ROXY: i have so much to say...
ROXY: i think???
ROXY: even though i cant think of the stuff atm
ROSE: I know what you mean.
ROXY: i hope its ok if i just sit near u not bein 'specially articulate for a bit
ROSE: That is more than ok.
ROSE: As long as you are willing to similarly excuse the spectacular demise of my capacity for artful self-expression.
ROXY: omg!!!!
ROXY: ahahah youre dirk!
ROXY: wow wow i just caught it wow wow wow!
ROXY: you sound SO much like him oh my GOD thats too perf and cute :3
ROSE: Dirk?
ROXY: hahah i cant get over it now i cant unhear it...
ROXY: even your voice sounds kinda like his but its just... girl dirk
ROXY: lmao wow yes <3
ROSE: He sounds like a hell of a guy.
ROXY: ohh u have noo idea
ROSE: Well, I'm told he should be arriving here in a little while.
ROSE: If he's anything like Dave's late older brother, and if he's anything like me, which he apparently is, then this is when I'm guessing the real party will begin.
ROXY: im redy <|:)
ROSE: I want to know things about him.
ROSE: Such as, if he shares his elder counterpart's avarice for soft puppet ass.
ROSE: And if that, combined with his myriad, vaguely unsettling psychological peculiarities, could occupy a dedicated team of therapists for years.
ROXY: the answer is yes and yes
ROSE: Hmm.
ROSE: Knowing this amuses me, for some reason.
ROSE: But mainly, there are things I want to know about you.
ROSE: I presume there will be plenty of time later to hound my biological father for the dirt on his proclivities.
ROXY: whatta ya wanna know about me?
ROSE: Everything!
ROSE: I think the main difficulty in deciding what to ask is in sifting questions I would have for my mother, that is to say, the woman who raised me, from the questions I have for you.
ROXY: well i didnt raise u or anything but i can sincerely take a crack at both kindsa questions
ROSE: Do...
ROSE: You really like wizards?
ROXY: rose
ROSE: Yes?
ROXY: rose
ROXY: rooose
ROSE: ...
ROXY: i fucken
ROXY: wizzards
ROSE: I see.
ROSE: As odd as it sounds, that actually does go pretty far in letting me know something about both of you.
ROXY: oh?
ROSE: My relationship with her was complicated.
ROSE: But I've come to see that as mostly my fault. I was too young to understand her.
ROXY: i never even got the chance to misunderstand my mom
ROXY: or grownup you
ROXY: or... i mean i didnt get to misunderstand her IN PERSON
ROXY: more like as a legendary figure
ROXY: cause i grew up 400 years after she died
ROSE: Ah, right.
ROSE: I think I'm going to have to call the contest early. Yours is the more interesting biography, by quite a lot.
ROXY: not really!
ROXY: not to me at least... i was lonely
ROXY: i thought about her a lot to pass the time
ROXY: she was p amazing at least according to history
ROXY: she wrote hella books about wizards and rode a genocidal fat man down a waterfall of blood
ROSE: She wrote hella books about wizards?
ROXY: yeh!
ROXY: they were famous n good and everything
ROSE: It sounds like I fumbled into the wrong line of work.
ROSE: There's no money in this Sburb business.
ROSE: Well, there is. It just comes in incredibly stupid denominations, which are not particularly useful.
KANAYA: Do You Have Copies Of These Books
ROXY: ummmm yes!
ROXY: yes i do there are copies back on my planet
ROXY: assuming john didnt retcon them away like a book thiefin sneak!
KANAYA: I Would Really Love To Read Them Some Time If You Wouldnt Mind
ROXY: no not at all!
ROSE: By the way, this is Kanaya.
ROSE: Sorry for the combination of bad manners and general dumbfoundedness which precluded a more timely introduction.
ROXY: hey!
ROXY: thats a nice name and also ur pretty
KANAYA: Thank You
KANAYA: I Admire The Aesthetics Of Your Name And Appearance As Well And In No Small Part Due To Their Respective Similarity To Your Daughters
ROXY: wow man that was somehow both a convoluted thing to say yet smooth as hell
ROXY: m impressed
ROSE: Welcome to Maryam City, population, a whole lot of great remarks like that.
ROXY: but yes ill get u those books!
ROXY: theyre great they made me wanna write my own wizard books
ROSE: Did you?
ROXY: errr
ROXY: yeah sorta :\
ROSE: Could I read them?
ROXY: ummmm
ROSE: Hey, you got to read mine!
ROXY: yeah but u were like an old pro when u wrote yours!
ROXY: they won pulizters and shit
ROSE: Did they really??
ROXY: um idk probably?
ROXY: i dunno they are just vry vry good
ROXY: so the ancient prize scholars im sure were like, dude these wizards
ROXY: are vry vry fucking good
ROXY: give them all the awards, then shut down the awards, but not cuz of the looming apocalypse, just cuz u literally cannot do better than these wizards
ROSE: I can live with that.
ROSE: It's always been one of my professional goals to write tales of magical men so provocative, they would cause the permanent and unceremonious dissolution of at least one prestigious award.
ROXY: so yeah i dunno i guess u can see
ROXY: but its a pale ghost of a story compared to ur stuff and its also um kinda weird?
ROSE: I like weird!
ROXY: yeah
ROXY: just... your opinion means a lot to me & im nervous u might think it sucks!
ROSE: But I never even wrote the masterpieces you read.
ROSE: I think you may have a view of my abilities which I haven't earned yet.
ROSE: Really, I'm not that good.
ROSE: I have my own story drafts which you can read if you like.
ROSE: They're nothing special, frankly.
ROXY: o really??
ROXY: aw man ok then that sounds fun! :)

> [A6A6I5] ====>

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Posted on 27 November 2017 by Andrew

Posted on 11 November 2017 by Andrew

Hey check it out. Every week we'll be revealing some new troll characters from Hiveswap until Act 2 is out. Follow the Troll Call here, and meet the first two here. Expect a few more surprises like this to drop in coming weeks.

Posted on 14 September 2017 by Andrew

Hiveswap has been released. You should go play it!