Adventure Log

View oldest to newest

04/07/09 - "Pose as a team. The world is real."
04/07/09 - "Hang up."
04/07/09 - "Answer phone."
04/07/09 - "Next."
04/05/09 - "Next."
04/04/09 - "Next."
04/04/09 - "Next."
04/04/09 - "Next."
04/04/09 - "Next."
04/04/09 - "GPI: Fondly regard creation."
04/02/09 - "Next."
04/02/09 - "Next."
04/02/09 - "MK: Exit afterlife."
04/01/09 - "EPILOGUE -> Next."
04/01/09 - "EPILOGUE -> Next."
04/01/09 - "EPILOGUE -> Next."
04/01/09 - "EPILOGUE -> Next."
04/01/09 - "EPILOGUE -> Next."
03/30/09 - "EPILOGUE -> Next."
03/28/09 - "EPILOGUE -> Next."
03/28/09 - "EPILOGUE -> Next."
03/28/09 - "EPILOGUE -> Next."
03/28/09 - "EPILOGUE -> Next."
03/28/09 - "EPILOGUE -> Next."
03/26/09 - "EPILOGUE -> Next."
03/26/09 - "EPILOGUE -> Next."
03/26/09 - "EPILOGUE -> Next."
03/26/09 - "EPILOGUE -> Next."
03/26/09 - "EPILOGUE -> Next."
03/26/09 - "EPILOGUE -> Next."
03/26/09 - "EPILOGUE -> Next."
03/25/09 - "EPILOGUE -> Next."
03/25/09 - "EPILOGUE -> Next."
03/25/09 - "EPILOGUE -> Next."
03/25/09 - "EPILOGUE -> Next."
03/25/09 - "EPILOGUE -> Next."
03/25/09 - "EPILOGUE -> Next."
03/23/09 - "EPILOGUE -> Next."
03/23/09 - "EPILOGUE -> Next."
03/23/09 - "EPILOGUE -> Next."
03/23/09 - "EPILOGUE -> Next."
03/23/09 - "EPILOGUE -> Next."
03/20/09 - "EPILOGUE -> Next."
03/18/09 - "EPILOGUE -> Next."
03/18/09 - "EPILOGUE -> Next."
03/16/09 - "EPILOGUE -> Next."
03/16/09 - "EPILOGUE -> Next."
03/16/09 - "EPILOGUE -> Next."
03/16/09 - "EPILOGUE -> Next."
03/16/09 - "EPILOGUE -> Next."
03/16/09 - "EPILOGUE -> Next."
03/16/09 - "EPILOGUE"
03/10/09 - "Thanks for playing!"
03/10/09 - "Exit."
03/10/09 - "Next."
03/10/09 - "Everyone: Get in flivver."
03/10/09 - "Next."
03/10/09 - "Next."
03/10/09 - "Next."
03/10/09 - "Next."
03/10/09 - "Next."
03/10/09 - "Next."
03/10/09 - "Next."
03/10/09 - "Next."
03/10/09 - "Next."
03/10/09 - "Quickly retrieve arms from approaching light."
03/10/09 - "Next."
03/10/09 - "PS+AD+PI: VICTORY DANCE!"
03/10/09 - "Next."
03/10/09 - "AD: Get MEGATON KEY."
03/09/09 - "Next."
03/09/09 - "Pose as a team 'cause shit j..."
03/09/09 - "PS+AD+PI: Land in a hard boiled manner."
03/09/09 - "Next."
03/09/09 - "Next."
03/09/09 - "Next."
03/09/09 - "Next."
03/09/09 - "Next."
03/09/09 - "Next."
03/09/09 - "Next."
03/09/09 - "Next."
03/09/09 - "Next."
03/09/09 - "Next."
03/09/09 - "Next."
03/09/09 - "Next."
03/09/09 - "Next."
03/09/09 - "Next."
03/09/09 - "Next."
03/09/09 - "Everyone: BRACE FOR IMPACT."
03/09/09 - "Next."
03/07/09 - "Next."
03/07/09 - "Next."
03/07/09 - "Next."
03/07/09 - "Next."
03/07/09 - "Next."
03/07/09 - "Next."
03/07/09 - "Next."
03/07/09 - "Next."
03/07/09 - "PI: Flip wheel one last time."
03/07/09 - "Next."
03/07/09 - "DS: AGGRESS SEEDPOD"
03/07/09 - "Next."
03/07/09 - "Next."
03/07/09 - "Next."
03/07/09 - "Next."
03/06/09 - "Next."
03/06/09 - "PI: Steer universe."
03/06/09 - "Next."
03/06/09 - "Next."
03/06/09 - "Next."
03/06/09 - "Next."
03/06/09 - "Next."
03/06/09 - "Next."
03/05/09 - "Next."
03/05/09 - "Next."
03/05/09 - "Next."
03/05/09 - "Next."
03/05/09 - "PI: Fire at moon."
03/05/09 - "Next."
03/05/09 - "Next."
03/04/09 - "Next."
03/04/09 - "Next."
03/04/09 - "Next."
03/04/09 - "Next."
03/04/09 - "BHMK: Retrieve arms from crannies and fissures."
03/04/09 - "BHMK: Tighten drawstrings to limit."
03/04/09 - "Next."
03/04/09 - "Next."
03/04/09 - "Next."
03/04/09 - "Next."
03/02/09 - "Next."
03/02/09 - "Next."
03/02/09 - "Next."
03/02/09 - "Next."
03/02/09 - "Next."
03/01/09 - "PS: FINAL FLIP OUT"
03/01/09 - "Weasel King: Commune with arbitor."
03/01/09 - "Next."
03/01/09 - "Weasel King: Ride Mount Lardass like mechanical bull."
02/27/09 - "Next."
02/27/09 - "PI: Plot a new course."
02/27/09 - "Next."
02/27/09 - "PI: Navigate with sextant."
02/27/09 - "Next."
02/27/09 - "Next."
02/27/09 - "Devil: Prod damned with FORK."
02/27/09 - "Next."
02/27/09 - "MSPA readers: Never mind. Continue."
02/27/09 - "MSPA readers: React to update."
02/27/09 - "DMK: LADDER TO HELL"
02/27/09 - "Next."
02/27/09 - "BHMK: Tighten drawstrings."
02/25/09 - "Next."
02/25/09 - "Next."
02/25/09 - "Next."
02/25/09 - "Next."
02/23/09 - "Next."
02/23/09 - "Next."
02/23/09 - "PS: Load weapon."
02/23/09 - "Next."
02/23/09 - "DS: Grant PS a boon."
02/22/09 - "Next."
02/22/09 - "Hatless man: Retrieve HAT."
02/22/09 - "Next."
02/22/09 - "Next."
02/22/09 - "Next."
02/22/09 - "Next."
02/22/09 - "Angels: Escape via Hawking radiation."
02/21/09 - "Next."
02/21/09 - "AD: Close door."
02/21/09 - "Next."
02/21/09 - "Next."
02/21/09 - "Next."
02/21/09 - "Next."
02/21/09 - "Death: Secure doors."
02/19/09 - "Next."
02/15/09 - "Next."
02/15/09 - "Next."
02/15/09 - "PS: SEPULCHRITUDE"
02/15/09 - "PS: Fill Suckle Receptacle."
02/14/09 - "FINAL COMB STATUS"
02/14/09 - "Next."
02/14/09 - "Next."
02/14/09 - "PS: Slash brier."
02/14/09 - "PS: CATCH IT!!!"
02/13/09 - "Next."
02/13/09 - "PI: Tickle BRIER OF CRUELTY."
02/13/09 - "Next."
02/13/09 - "Next."
02/12/09 - "Recap Part 2!"
02/10/09 - "Next."
02/10/09 - "Weasel King: Survey Kingdom."
02/08/09 - "Next."
02/08/09 - "Next."
02/08/09 - "Next."
02/08/09 - "Next."
02/08/09 - "Next."
02/08/09 - "Next."
02/08/09 - "Next."
02/08/09 - "Next."
02/08/09 - "Next."
02/08/09 - "HD+NB: Land already."
02/08/09 - "Next."
02/07/09 - "Next."
02/07/09 - "Next."
02/07/09 - "Next."
02/07/09 - "Hippo Inspectors: Ascend to Godhead."
02/05/09 - "Next."
02/05/09 - "Death and company: LV. 3 HIPPOTECH: THE HUNGER"
02/03/09 - "Next."
02/03/09 - "Next."
02/03/09 - "Next."
02/03/09 - "NB: Put on sunglasses."
02/03/09 - "Next."
02/03/09 - "Next."
02/03/09 - "NB+HD:Get sucked into event horizon in more elongated manner"
02/02/09 - "Next."
02/02/09 - "Next."
02/02/09 - "Next."
01/31/09 - "Next."
01/31/09 - "Next."
01/31/09 - "Next."
01/30/09 - "PS: Get ye ink flask."
01/30/09 - "Next."
01/30/09 - "Death: Beg visitors to stay."
01/30/09 - "Death: Greet new visitors."
01/29/09 - "Next."
01/29/09 - "Next."
01/29/09 - "DMMK: Tighten drawstrings yet again."
01/29/09 - "Thugs: Prostrate thyselves before savior."
01/29/09 - "Next."
01/29/09 - "Hatless Man: Drink Ink of Squid Pro Quo."
01/29/09 - "Next."
01/27/09 - "Everyone: Exit Afterlife."
01/27/09 - "Next."
01/27/09 - "Everyone: Exit Life."
01/27/09 - "Next."
01/27/09 - "Next."
01/27/09 - "DMMK: Ascend(Descend?) into the Game of Life."
01/27/09 - "Next."
01/27/09 - "PS: Right universe."
01/25/09 - "Next."
01/25/09 - "PS: Turn wheel 180 degrees."
01/25/09 - "Next."
01/25/09 - "PS: Turn wheel 90 degrees."
01/25/09 - "Next."
01/25/09 - "Next."
01/25/09 - "Pickle report."
01/25/09 - "Fan report."
01/25/09 - "Next."
01/25/09 - "Comb report."
01/25/09 - "Next."
01/25/09 - "DMMK: Tighten drawstrings."
01/25/09 - "Next."
01/25/09 - "Highbrow: LV. 4 HOOPTECH -> DMMK KATAMARI BALL"
01/25/09 - "Next."
01/25/09 - "Gentlemen: Aggress DMMK."
01/23/09 - "Next."
01/23/09 - "Patrons: Enter dollhouse."
01/23/09 - "Patrons: Head to brothel."
01/23/09 - "Next."
01/23/09 - "Meanwhile in the Speakeasy..."
01/23/09 - "Next."
01/23/09 - "PI: Check ripeness."
01/22/09 - "Next."
01/22/09 - "Next."
01/22/09 - "HD+NB+Whores: Aggress DMMK."
01/21/09 - "Next."
01/21/09 - "Next."
01/21/09 - "Heroes: Aggress DMMK."
01/20/09 - "PI: Go pick up huge barrel."
01/20/09 - "PS: Throw your hat down in..."
01/20/09 - "Next."
01/20/09 - "PS: Turn wheel."
01/20/09 - "Next."
01/20/09 - "PI: Give PS Chronoscope."
01/20/09 - "Higgs Bonehead: Target weak spot with kamikaze attack."
01/20/09 - "Death: Appraise Bonehead's mortality."
01/20/09 - "Next."
01/20/09 - "PI: Snipe weak spot."
01/18/09 - "Next."
01/18/09 - "Next."
01/18/09 - "Next."
01/18/09 - "AD: Have tearful reunion with Bathearst."
01/18/09 - "Next."
01/18/09 - "Collide."
01/16/09 - "Next."
01/16/09 - "Next."
01/16/09 - "Next."
01/16/09 - "Next."
01/16/09 - "Next."
01/16/09 - "Next."
01/16/09 - "Next."
01/08/09 - "Fill PFPI's Suckle Receptacle."
01/08/09 - "Next."
01/08/09 - "Next."
01/08/09 - "AD: Punch Death in snout to establish infuriation."
01/08/09 - "Next."
01/08/09 - "Next."
01/07/09 - "Comb status."
01/07/09 - "Next."
01/07/09 - "Next."
01/07/09 - "AD: Dig up stump."
01/07/09 - "Next."
01/07/09 - "Next."
01/07/09 - "AD: Lament Life."
01/05/09 - "Meanwhile, in the afterlife..."
01/05/09 - "Next."
01/05/09 - "PI: Keep up heavy shelling of DMK with that cannon!"
01/05/09 - "Next."
01/05/09 - "Next."
01/05/09 - "Next."
01/05/09 - "AD: Ford river."
01/05/09 - "Next."
01/05/09 - "AD: Go hunting."
01/03/09 - "Next."
01/03/09 - "Next."
01/03/09 - "Next."
01/03/09 - "Next."
01/03/09 - "FMK: Tighten brassier."
01/03/09 - "Gentlemen: Aggress foppishly."
01/03/09 - "Heroes: Enter Gutterpipe."
01/02/09 - "Next."
01/02/09 - "AD: Spin Wheel of Life."
01/02/09 - "AD+Bathearst: Fight crime."
01/02/09 - "AD: Become Punisher Ace Dick."
01/01/09 - "Next."
01/01/09 - "Next."
01/01/09 - "Next."
01/01/09 - "Next."
01/01/09 - "Next."
12/31/08 - "Next."
12/31/08 - "Next."
12/31/08 - "PI: Fire!"
12/31/08 - "PI: Aim at DMK."
12/29/08 - "Next."
12/29/08 - "FMK: Tighten brassier making you small enough to exit door."
12/29/08 - "Next."
12/29/08 - "Heroes: Descend (ascend?) other side of cathedral."
12/29/08 - "Next."
12/29/08 - "Next."
12/29/08 - "HD: Flip switch."
12/28/08 - "Next."
12/28/08 - "Next."
12/28/08 - "Next."
12/28/08 - "Next."
12/26/08 - "Next."
12/26/08 - "PI: Look around universe with scope."
12/26/08 - "PI: Zoom in."
12/26/08 - "Next."
12/26/08 - "Next."
12/26/08 - "PI: Attach scope to sniper rifle."
12/26/08 - "PS: Give scope to PI."
12/25/08 - "Next."
12/25/08 - "FAD: Punch Death in snout to establish superiority."
12/25/08 - "AD+Sonhearst: Become vigilante superheroes out of grief."
12/25/08 - "Next."
12/25/08 - "Next."
12/25/08 - "Next."
12/25/08 - "Thug: Lower Pryglass to reveal a black ring around eye."
12/23/08 - "Next."
12/23/08 - "Next."
12/23/08 - "Next."
12/23/08 - "Next."
12/23/08 - "Next."
12/23/08 - "PS: Remove chronoscope from wheel."
12/23/08 - "HD+NB: Ascend stairs."
12/23/08 - "NB: Retrieve sunglasses."
12/21/08 - "Next."
12/21/08 - "Next."
12/21/08 - "Heroes: Turn crank."
12/21/08 - "HD+NB: Ascend stairs."
12/20/08 - "Next."
12/20/08 - "Next."
12/20/08 - "Next."
12/20/08 - "Next."
12/20/08 - "HD: Unlock door."
12/20/08 - "HD: Paint keyholes on locks."
12/20/08 - "HD: Get brush and palette."
12/19/08 - "Next."
12/19/08 - "Next."
12/19/08 - "Next."
12/19/08 - "Next."
12/19/08 - "FAD: Fire."
12/19/08 - "MK: Don MM's corset."
12/19/08 - "FAD: Wield machine gun against MK."
12/18/08 - "Next."
12/18/08 - "Next."
12/18/08 - "GPI: Sew universe back together."
12/18/08 - "Next."
12/18/08 - "Next."
12/17/08 - "Next."
12/17/08 - "AD: Enjoy Life."
12/16/08 - "Next."
12/16/08 - "Next."
12/16/08 - "NB: Finish her."
12/15/08 - "Next."
12/13/08 - "Next."
12/13/08 - "Next."
12/13/08 - "NB: CHAIN ATTACK"
12/12/08 - "Next."
12/12/08 - "Next."
12/12/08 - "Next."
12/12/08 - "HD: Return to dollhouse."
12/12/08 - "MM: Aggress more vigorously."
12/12/08 - "Fill HD and NB's suckle receptacles."
12/12/08 - "Comb report?"
12/11/08 - "Next."
12/11/08 - "Next."
12/11/08 - "DMK: Fill 'em with daylight already!"
12/10/08 - "Next."
12/10/08 - "Next."
12/10/08 - "MM: AGGRESS"
12/10/08 - "HD: Loosen scale bodice, ascend to attic."
12/08/08 - "Next."
12/08/08 - "Next."
12/08/08 - "MM: Flee into dollhouse and wear corset."
12/08/08 - "Next."
12/08/08 - "Next."
12/08/08 - "Next."
12/08/08 - "Next."
12/08/08 - "PI: Throw anchor overboard."
12/06/08 - "MK: Replace Amphora with a new receptacle."
12/06/08 - "Next."
12/06/08 - "MK: Smash Suckle Amphora over FAD's head."
12/06/08 - "PI: COMB RAVE -> ANCHORS AWAY"
12/06/08 - "Heroes: Turn crank."
12/06/08 - "Heroes: Reach final level."
12/05/08 - "MK+FAD: Take brawl into doll house pantry."
12/05/08 - "Check on combs again."
12/05/08 - "Next."
12/05/08 - "PS+ZAD+Death: Move anchor toward PI."
12/05/08 - "Next."
12/05/08 - "Next."
12/03/08 - "Next."
12/03/08 - "PFPI: Join battle."
12/02/08 - "HD+NB: AGGRESS"
12/02/08 - "NB: Enter studio door."
12/02/08 - "NB: Enter dollhouse."
11/30/08 - "Next."
11/30/08 - "Next."
11/30/08 - "Next."
11/30/08 - "FPI: Play a haunting tuba refrain to raise DMK's emotions."
11/28/08 - "Next."
11/28/08 - "Next."
11/28/08 - "Next."
11/28/08 - "Next."
11/28/08 - "FAD: Follow MK."
11/28/08 - "MK: Enter theater."
11/28/08 - "Next."
11/28/08 - "HD: Enter MM's studio."
11/28/08 - "NB: Plug in fan."
11/28/08 - "Next."
11/28/08 - "Next."
11/28/08 - "NB: Tighten corset like you've never tightened before!"
11/28/08 - "NB: Bring plug through mousehole."
11/28/08 - "HD: Unplug projector and plug in fan"
11/28/08 - "HD: Tighten strings on bodice."
11/28/08 - "Next."
11/28/08 - "MK: Throw down your hat in disgust."
11/28/08 - "Next."
11/28/08 - "FAD: Manhandle one of the gentlemen."
11/28/08 - "ZAD: Push PI toward anchor to hurry him along."
11/28/08 - "Death: Mourn loss of scythe."
11/26/08 - "Next."
11/26/08 - "Next."
11/26/08 - "Next."
11/26/08 - "PS: FINAL AGGRESSION!"
11/24/08 - "Next."
11/24/08 - "Next."
11/24/08 - "Heroes: Advance in Cathedral."
11/24/08 - "AD: Advance in Life."
11/24/08 - "FAD: Pursue MK."
11/24/08 - "Next."
11/24/08 - "MK: Exit legitimate establishment."
11/24/08 - "Next."
11/22/08 - "Next."
11/22/08 - "HD: Loosen scale bodice."
11/22/08 - "Next."
11/22/08 - "Next."
11/22/08 - "NB: Feed plug through gutterpipe projector."
11/22/08 - "Next."
11/22/08 - "Next."
11/22/08 - "NB: Get in ham truck and drive through underpass."
11/22/08 - "ZAD: Stop standing around like an idiot and do something!"
11/22/08 - "PI: Stop standing around like an idiot and do something!"
11/22/08 - "Check on status of honey production."
11/22/08 - "PS: Aggress faster!"
11/21/08 - "Next."
11/21/08 - "GPI: Do something useful! Attack or something!"
11/21/08 - "MK: Exit speakeasy."
11/21/08 - "Next."
11/21/08 - "Next."
11/21/08 - "FAD: Break down door using awesome latin strength."
11/21/08 - "Next."
11/21/08 - "FAD: Bust into still room like Kool-Aid Man."
11/20/08 - "PS: Keep aggressing."
11/19/08 - "Next."
11/19/08 - "FAD: Pursue MK."
11/19/08 - "Next."
11/19/08 - "FAD: Beat the crap out of MK."
11/18/08 - "Next."
11/17/08 - "PS: AGGRESS."
11/17/08 - "Next."
11/17/08 - "Next."
11/15/08 - "Next."
11/15/08 - "AD: Punch woman in snout to establish superiority."
11/15/08 - "Next."
11/15/08 - "Next."
11/15/08 - "Next."
11/15/08 - "Next."
11/15/08 - "AD: Take money to racetrack, bet on ponies."
11/15/08 - "Next."
11/15/08 - "Next."
11/15/08 - "Next."
11/15/08 - "PFPI: Cheat in game of Trouble."
11/14/08 - "ZAD: Clean the mess up."
11/14/08 - "Next."
11/14/08 - "Next."
11/14/08 - "Next."
11/14/08 - "Next."
11/13/08 - "4 Heroes: Ascend to battle DMK."
11/11/08 - "FAD: Ride MK's fort like a mechanical bull."
11/11/08 - "Next."
11/11/08 - "Next."
11/11/08 - "Next."
11/11/08 - "Next."
11/11/08 - "AD: Begin playing Life."
11/10/08 - "NB: Bring plug through wide window."
11/10/08 - "HD: Double back through the tolls."
11/10/08 - "Next."
11/10/08 - "HD: Drive back to Bouchere District."
11/10/08 - "Next."
11/10/08 - "Next."
11/10/08 - "NB: Loosen corset, load plug into cheese truck."
11/10/08 - "HD: To the Fromagere District!!"
11/10/08 - "Swain: Go through window."
11/10/08 - "HD: Go through window."
11/08/08 - "RECAP!!! Please?"
11/08/08 - "PS: Unsummon Moe."
11/08/08 - "Next."
11/08/08 - "PS: Summon Moe."
11/07/08 - "GPI: Fondly regard crenellation."
11/07/08 - "Next."
11/07/08 - "Next."
11/07/08 - "Next."
11/05/08 - "Next."
11/05/08 - "Next."
11/05/08 - "Next."
11/05/08 - "Next."
11/05/08 - "Pose as a team cause shit is more real than ever."
11/05/08 - "Next."
11/05/08 - "Next."
11/05/08 - "HD: Yeah, paint over those too."
11/05/08 - "Next."
11/05/08 - "HD: Cover up the rest of the mural."
11/05/08 - "Next."
11/05/08 - "Next."
11/05/08 - "NB: Ask Highbrow to drive to Gutterpipe Projects."
11/04/08 - "Next."
11/04/08 - "Next."
11/04/08 - "Next."
11/04/08 - "Next."
11/04/08 - "Next."
11/04/08 - "Next."
11/04/08 - "Next."
11/02/08 - "PS: What Pumpkin?"
11/01/08 - "Next."
11/01/08 - "PS: Wonder what happened to the four warriors."
11/01/08 - "PS: Ask FPI to conjure a schema pumpkin."
11/01/08 - "Next."
11/01/08 - "Next."
10/31/08 - "Next."
10/31/08 - "Next."
10/31/08 - "Next."
10/31/08 - "PI: Turn wheel 180 degrees."
10/31/08 - "Next."
10/31/08 - "FAD: Throw crate at DMK."
10/31/08 - "Swap hats with DMK."
10/31/08 - "PI: 'No scope' DMK's weak spot with sniper rifle."
10/31/08 - "Next."
10/31/08 - "PS: SEPULCHRITUDE?"
10/30/08 - "Next."
10/30/08 - "Next."
10/30/08 - "Next."
10/30/08 - "Next."
10/30/08 - "Next."
10/30/08 - "Next."
10/30/08 - "Next."
10/30/08 - "Next."
10/30/08 - "PI: Throw it away."
10/30/08 - "FPI: Conjure candy telescope for sniper rifle."
10/29/08 - "NB: Get in passenger seat."
10/29/08 - "Highbrow: Go through driver's hatch."
10/29/08 - "Next."
10/29/08 - "Next."
10/29/08 - "HD: Roll some paint on the mural."
10/29/08 - "HD: Go into middle private booth."
10/29/08 - "HD: Equip paint roller."
10/28/08 - "Next."
10/28/08 - "Fill Zombie Ace Dick's suckle receptacle."
10/28/08 - "Fill Fiesta Ace Dick's suckle receptacle."
10/28/08 - "Fill Ace Dick's suckle receptacle."
10/28/08 - "Bees: Place impetus combs in tecton hive."
10/28/08 - "Next."
10/28/08 - "Check progress on tecton hive."
10/27/08 - "Next."
10/27/08 - "Next."
10/27/08 - "HD: Enter MM's studio."
10/27/08 - "NB: Go back and put on your corset."
10/27/08 - "Swain: Insert coins into coin slot."
10/27/08 - "Next."
10/27/08 - "NB: Flip switch."
10/27/08 - "Next."
10/27/08 - "NB: Examine middle switch."
10/27/08 - "NB + HD: Go down stairs through eye door."
10/27/08 - "Next."
10/27/08 - "NB + HD: Go down projector pipe."
10/26/08 - "Next."
10/26/08 - "Next."
10/26/08 - "Next."
10/26/08 - "PS: Lob into DMK's mouth."
10/26/08 - "FPI: Conjure jaw breaker bomb."
10/26/08 - "PS: Put skylight through small window."
10/25/08 - "Next."
10/25/08 - "Next."
10/25/08 - "Next."
10/25/08 - "HD: Turn crank on aspect valve."
10/25/08 - "NB: Go through tall window."
10/25/08 - "NB: Go back in. Go through left door again."
10/25/08 - "NB: Go through wide window."
10/25/08 - "Next."
10/25/08 - "Next."
10/25/08 - "NB: Go through right door."
10/25/08 - "NB: Run plug through corset, into pipe, and out projector."
10/24/08 - "Next."
10/24/08 - "Next."
10/24/08 - "Next."
10/24/08 - "Next."
10/24/08 - "PS: Summon Weasel King."
10/22/08 - "NB: Lift plug."
10/22/08 - "NB: Loosen drawstrings again."
10/22/08 - "NB: Go get plug and bring it through window."
10/22/08 - "HD: Jump down on to valve lever."
10/22/08 - "Next."
10/22/08 - "HD: Turn crank on upper valve."
10/22/08 - "Next."
10/22/08 - "HD: Turn crank on scale valve."
10/21/08 - "PS: With hard boiled voice say you're just getting started."
10/21/08 - "DMK: DEMOTE"
10/21/08 - "Next."
10/21/08 - "Next."
10/21/08 - "Next."
10/21/08 - "Next."
10/21/08 - "FPI: Conjure frosting to extinguish flames."
10/19/08 - "Next."
10/19/08 - "Next."
10/19/08 - "HD: Thank whores for complement."
10/19/08 - "NB: Ok, nothing to do out here. Go back in."
10/19/08 - "NB: Loosen drawstrings on corset."
10/19/08 - "NB: Go through tall window."
10/19/08 - "Next."
10/19/08 - "Next."
10/19/08 - "Next."
10/19/08 - "PI: Make universe do a barrel roll."
10/19/08 - "Next."
10/19/08 - "AS: Use delegation skills to call four nations to your aid."
10/19/08 - "HD: Climb ladder, equip corset."
10/17/08 - "HD: Go in."
10/16/08 - "Next."
10/16/08 - "Next."
10/16/08 - "Next."
10/16/08 - "NB: Strip rest of mural."
10/16/08 - "HD: Enter mousehole, given your small HEIGHT attribute."
10/16/08 - "Next."
10/16/08 - "NB: Splash a little on wall."
10/16/08 - "Next."
10/16/08 - "NB: Use stripper on mural."
10/15/08 - "Next."
10/14/08 - "Next."
10/14/08 - "Next."
10/14/08 - "Next."
10/14/08 - "Next."
10/14/08 - "Next."
10/14/08 - "Next."
10/14/08 - "Next."
10/14/08 - "AS: AGGRESS"
10/14/08 - "Next."
10/14/08 - "AH: Mute bee again."
10/12/08 - "Next."
10/12/08 - "Next."
10/12/08 - "NB: Take off all your clothes and enter far left door."
10/12/08 - "NB: Enter far right room."
10/12/08 - "Next."
10/12/08 - "HD: Climb ladder and look into pipe."
10/11/08 - "Next."
10/11/08 - "Next."
10/11/08 - "AH: Unmute Professor Bee, he's been silent long enough."
10/11/08 - "HD: Pursue cheese truck to Gutterpipe Projects."
10/11/08 - "NB: Go through Eye Door."
10/11/08 - "NB: Add stripper container to inventory."
10/11/08 - "NB: Equip the corset."
10/11/08 - "NB: Plug fan into enormous outlet."
10/10/08 - "Next."
10/10/08 - "Next."
10/10/08 - "Next."
10/10/08 - "ZAD: Sample DMK's tentacle with a nice bottle of Merlot."
10/09/08 - "NB: Ride the plug like a mechanical bull."
10/09/08 - "Next."
10/09/08 - "Next."
10/09/08 - "NB: Get the hell out of the fan's way."
10/09/08 - "HD: Pursue on foot. Ask toll operator for directions."
10/09/08 - "Next."
10/09/08 - "HD: Hail a cab and follow the cheese truck."
10/07/08 - "Next."
10/07/08 - "Next."
10/07/08 - "Next."
10/07/08 - "DMK: THORNCODDLE"
10/07/08 - "Next."
10/07/08 - "Next."
10/07/08 - "Next."
10/07/08 - "Candy Mecha: Fire into DMK's mouth(s)."
10/07/08 - "ZAD: Zombie truffle shuffle."
10/04/08 - "Next."
10/04/08 - "Next."
10/04/08 - "PI: Pick up captain's sextant."
10/04/08 - "Next."
10/04/08 - "Next."
10/04/08 - "HD: Throw machine gun."
10/04/08 - "Next."
10/04/08 - "HD: Throw tommy gun."
10/04/08 - "Next."
10/04/08 - "HD: Throw weapons into the lights."
10/03/08 - "AS: Retrieve Snoop Bust, for it is too important to be lost."
10/03/08 - "Next."
10/03/08 - "PI: Return to battle."
10/03/08 - "Next."
10/03/08 - "PI: Dump the fan through the jacuzzi."
10/03/08 - "PI:Become homoerotically interested in returning to your fan"
10/03/08 - "HD: Walk to nearest intersection."
10/02/08 - "Next."
10/02/08 - "Next."
10/02/08 - "Next."
10/02/08 - "Next."
10/02/08 - "PI: Ask HD to take weapons instead."
10/02/08 - "PI: Take weapons down to MK's office."
10/02/08 - "AS: Give all the weapons to PI."
10/02/08 - "AS: Take charge as leader. Demand weapons."
10/02/08 - "Next."
10/02/08 - "Next."
10/02/08 - "HD: Flip switch."
10/02/08 - "Candy Mecha: Join the battle already!"
10/01/08 - "Next."
10/01/08 - "DMK: AGGRESS"
10/01/08 - "Quick pose as a team again this shit seems pretty real."
10/01/08 - "Next."
10/01/08 - "Next."
10/01/08 - "Next."
10/01/08 - "Next."
10/01/08 - "PI: Conjure candy armor."
10/01/08 - "AS: Craft sea-worthy hats for your allies."
09/29/08 - "Next."
09/29/08 - "Next."
09/29/08 - "Next."
09/29/08 - "MK: Grab the cinder blocks."
09/29/08 - "Next."
09/29/08 - "MK: Dump portholes through jacuzzi."
09/29/08 - "PI+AD: Return to land of living."
09/29/08 - "Next."
09/29/08 - "Next."
09/29/08 - "Next."
09/29/08 - "PS: Use tommykey on lock."
09/29/08 - "Next."
09/29/08 - "AS: Fire warning shots off the port bow."
09/28/08 - "FPI: Go back to Ace Deck."
09/28/08 - "AD:Establish superiority by punching nearest Q*Bert in snout"
09/28/08 - "Next."
09/28/08 - "Next."
09/28/08 - "PI: Defeat death already."
09/28/08 - "MK: Gather up all the ship portholes."
09/28/08 - "Next."
09/26/08 - "Next."
09/26/08 - "FPI: Bring nervous broad to the Ace Deck."
09/26/08 - "Next."
09/26/08 - "AS: Fashion a more fitting hat from your old hat."
09/26/08 - "Next."
09/26/08 - "FINAL BOSS BATTLE."
09/26/08 - "Next."
09/26/08 - "[UNPAUSE]"
09/22/08 - "[PAUSE]"
09/22/08 - "NB: Land already!"
09/22/08 - "Next."
09/22/08 - "PS: Turn wheel, "capsizing" the boat upright."
09/22/08 - "Next."
09/22/08 - "Next."
09/22/08 - "PS: "Climb" the steering wheel."
09/20/08 - "Next."
09/20/08 - "Next."
09/20/08 - "PS+FAD+ZAD: Go up to deck."
09/20/08 - "FAD: Open the trapdoor."
09/20/08 - "CUT SCENE."
09/20/08 - "PS+FAD+ZAD: Advance."
09/20/08 - "FAD: Wail on Wilson bust."
09/20/08 - "PS+FAD+ZAD: Advance."
09/20/08 - "Next."
09/20/08 - "Next."
09/20/08 - "FAD: Get bust outta there--Ándele Ándele, Arriba, Arriba!"
09/18/08 - "MK: Descend(!) to demonhood."
09/18/08 - "Next."
09/18/08 - "Next."
09/18/08 - "MK: Descend(?) to demonhood."
09/18/08 - "Next."
09/18/08 - "Next."
09/18/08 - "AD: Drink sauce."
09/18/08 - "PS+AD: Go up."
09/18/08 - "PS+AD: Enter safe room."
09/18/08 - "PS+AD: Open MK's door. Enter."
09/18/08 - "AD: Check aftermath of still explosion."
09/18/08 - "PS: Rebuild Bowen Stilson Dogg."
09/18/08 - "Next."
09/18/08 - "Next."
09/18/08 - "Next."
09/18/08 - "Next."
09/18/08 - "MK: Build fort out of desk."
09/17/08 - "PS: Victory dance!"
09/15/08 - "Oh get the hell off of there."
09/15/08 - "Next."
09/15/08 - "Next."
09/15/08 - "PS: Target the plug. Don't forget your witty one-liner."
09/15/08 - "Next."
09/15/08 - "Next."
09/15/08 - "Next."
09/15/08 - "Next."
09/15/08 - "Next."
09/15/08 - "Next."
09/15/08 - "AD: Check on hot sauce still."
09/13/08 - "Next."
09/13/08 - "Next."
09/11/08 - "HD: Frisk MK's body for valuables."
09/11/08 - "Next."
09/11/08 - "Next."
09/11/08 - "Next."
09/11/08 - "Next."
09/11/08 - "Next."
09/11/08 - "NB: Fall in a more nervous manner."
09/10/08 - "Next."
09/10/08 - "Next."
09/10/08 - "Next."
09/10/08 - "Next."
09/10/08 - "Candy Mechas: Mobilize!"
09/08/08 - "Next."
09/08/08 - "Next."
09/08/08 - "Next."
09/08/08 - "Next."
09/08/08 - "Next."
09/07/08 - "Thugs: AGGRESS"
09/07/08 - "Zombie AD: Advance."
09/07/08 - "Next."
09/07/08 - "Bespectacled Wench: COMMUNITY OUTREACH"
09/07/08 - "Cultural Rainbow: COMBAT OPERANDI -> MOB RULE"
09/07/08 - "Next."
09/07/08 - "Next."
09/07/08 - "Fluthlu: LV. 77 DISQUIETING LEER"
09/07/08 - "Next."
09/07/08 - "PS: Pick up shard of glass and put it in your inventory."
09/07/08 - "AD: Go by Fluthlu, granting him wide berth whilst doing so."
09/07/08 - "Next."
09/07/08 - "Fluthlu: FONDLE"
09/05/08 - "PS: Advance further into level."
09/05/08 - "Next."
09/05/08 - "Next."
09/05/08 - "Next."
09/05/08 - "PS: For the love of GPI, SEPULCHRITUDE!"
09/05/08 - "GPI: Fondly regard crustacean."
09/03/08 - "PS: Ascend to the hopefully final level."
09/03/08 - "Next."
09/03/08 - "Next."
09/03/08 - "Next."
09/03/08 - "Next."
09/03/08 - "PS: Collect loot and go up."
09/03/08 - "Next."
09/03/08 - "Next."
09/03/08 - "Next."
09/03/08 - "PI: Ask Death where Honeybee Professor is."
09/03/08 - "Next."
09/03/08 - "Next."
09/03/08 - "AD&PI: Challenge Death to win back your lives."
09/03/08 - "Death: COMBAT OPERANDI -> TWO LUMPS"
09/01/08 - "Next."
09/01/08 - "Next."
09/01/08 - "Next."
09/01/08 - "Next."
09/01/08 - "Next."
09/01/08 - "Next."
09/01/08 - "Next."
09/01/08 - "Next."
09/01/08 - "Next."
09/01/08 - "Next."
09/01/08 - "Next."
09/01/08 - "PI: Put HONEYBEE PROFESSOR through the window first."
09/01/08 - "AD: Throw TEACUP at DEATH."
08/31/08 - "PI: Drop window through other window."
08/31/08 - "Next."
08/31/08 - "Next."
08/31/08 - "Next."
08/31/08 - "Next."
08/31/08 - "Next."
08/31/08 - "Next."
08/31/08 - "PS: Time to bring out the noise! SEPULCHRITUDE"
08/30/08 - "Next."
08/30/08 - "Next."
08/30/08 - "HD: AGGRESS"
08/30/08 - "Next."
08/30/08 - "Boneguard Mount: AGGRESS"
08/30/08 - "Next."
08/30/08 - "Next."
08/30/08 - "Next."
08/30/08 - "Candy Mechas: Don't show protips."
08/28/08 - "ADs: Dual motorcycle attack!"
08/28/08 - "PS: This time throw chunks of beast in ahead of you."
08/28/08 - "ADs: Mount motorcycles!"
08/28/08 - "PS: Diplomatically, ask Muscle to become permanent teammate."
08/28/08 - "PI: Flee up spiral staircase and ogle whatever awaits you."
08/27/08 - "Candy Mechas: Leave."
08/27/08 - "Next."
08/27/08 - "Next."
08/27/08 - "Candy Mecha: Walk through portal."
08/26/08 - "Next."
08/26/08 - "AD: Now, headbutt and impale!"
08/26/08 - "Next."
08/26/08 - "Next."
08/26/08 - "Next."
08/26/08 - "Next."
08/26/08 - "PI: Ogle switch until it implodes with distraughtness."
08/26/08 - "AD: Chuck another grenade already."
08/26/08 - "AD: Headbutt and impale Mobster Kingpin."
08/26/08 - "ADs: Bust through doors."
08/26/08 - "Next."
08/26/08 - "PS: Hire the HIRED MUSCLE onto your side."
08/26/08 - "AD: Join other AD at double doors."
08/23/08 - "PS: Next time be sure to throw some corpses in ahead of you."
08/23/08 - "Next."
08/23/08 - "Next."
08/23/08 - "AD: Point machine gun through the skylight."
08/23/08 - "PI: Get the hell out of dodge."
08/23/08 - "Next."
08/23/08 - "Next."
08/23/08 - "Thugs: AGGRESS"
08/21/08 - "Next."
08/21/08 - "AD: Smack MK with two-by-four."
08/21/08 - "Next."
08/21/08 - "Quick, PI: Fire!"
08/21/08 - "AD: Feed MK some chocolates."
08/21/08 - "AD: Pick up windows and go up."
08/21/08 - "Next."
08/21/08 - "PS: LV. 2 SLEUTH DIPLOMACY"
08/21/08 - "PS: Swap hats with one of the thugs and sneak by undetected."
08/19/08 - "PS: Throw dead thugs through doors for dramatic entrance."
08/19/08 - "Next."
08/19/08 - "PS: Go through double doors."
08/19/08 - "AD: Join battle through pool portal."
08/19/08 - "Next."
08/19/08 - "Next."
08/19/08 - "Next."
08/19/08 - "Next."
08/19/08 - "Candy Mecha: AGGRESS"
08/19/08 - "MK: AGGRESS"
08/19/08 - "MK: Wield brass knuckles."
08/19/08 - "PI: Open what appear to be cruiseship portholes."
08/18/08 - "PS: Take skulls to slot."
08/18/08 - "PI: Check it out."
08/18/08 - "Next."
08/18/08 - "PI: Go through clown bust door."
08/18/08 - "Li'l AD: run into MK's dollhouse."
08/18/08 - "Next."
08/18/08 - "MK: Make a crude pass at NB."
08/18/08 - "PS: Add skulls to inventory."
08/18/08 - "AD: Take skull to skull slot."
08/18/08 - "Next."
08/18/08 - "PS: Reap spoils of diplomatic triumph."
08/18/08 - "PS: Ok, looks good. Present to His Highness."
08/18/08 - "PS: View Articles 264-312."
08/18/08 - "PS: View Articles 214-226."
08/18/08 - "PS: View Articles 248-263."
08/18/08 - "PS: View terms of treaty with Adobe TreatyViewer®."
08/18/08 - "Next."
08/16/08 - "Ok, got it. PI: Enter code."
08/16/08 - "This is getting kind of confusing."
08/16/08 - "Next."
08/16/08 - "PI: Solve the sudoku."
08/16/08 - "Next."
08/16/08 - "PI: Go to control room."
08/16/08 - "PI: Get cheat code from printer."
08/16/08 - "MK: grab brass knuckles."
08/16/08 - "MK: Retrieve arms from dollhouse."
08/14/08 - "NB: Investigate the portal nervously."
08/14/08 - "Next."
08/14/08 - "AD: Activate jacuzzi setting on pool."
08/14/08 - "Next."
08/14/08 - "HD: Go through mirror to look for NB."
08/14/08 - "AD: Make 5 alarm hot sauce."
08/14/08 - "AD: Go to hot sauce still."
08/14/08 - "AD: Go back up, then go down to office for other horns."
08/14/08 - "Other AD: Go down to street and grab horn."
08/14/08 - "Next."
08/14/08 - "AD: Toss ferruginous horn into pool."
08/14/08 - "AD: Go downstairs and check out swimming pool."
08/13/08 - "PS: Print cheat code."
08/13/08 - "PS: Keep searching..."
08/13/08 - "PS: Search for 'diplomacy'."
08/13/08 - "PS: Scroll down a ways."
08/13/08 - "PS: Open one of the walkthroughs."
08/13/08 - "Next."
08/13/08 - "PS: AGH TOO DIFFICULT, go online and search for walkthrough"
07/30/08 - "MK: Go through clown door."
07/30/08 - "Next."
07/30/08 - "Next."
07/30/08 - "Next."
07/30/08 - "HD: Chainsaw your way out of your room."
07/30/08 - "AD: Read printout."
07/30/08 - "AD: Insert punch card into big computer."
07/30/08 - "AD: Activate punch card machine."
07/30/08 - "AD: Inspect ferruginous horn."
07/30/08 - "Reap spoils of battle."
07/30/08 - "Next."
07/30/08 - "Next."
07/30/08 - "Next."
07/30/08 - "Next."
07/30/08 - "Next."
07/30/08 - "NB: Use key."
07/30/08 - "Next."
07/30/08 - "Next."
07/30/08 - "PI: Charge and fiyer your lazer."
07/30/08 - "Next."
07/30/08 - "AD: Walk through pig room."
07/28/08 - "Next."
07/28/08 - "Next."
07/28/08 - "AD: Call number."
07/28/08 - "AD: Read business card."
07/28/08 - "PI: Conjure candy mecha."
07/28/08 - "PS: ctrl alt del"
07/25/08 - "Next."
07/25/08 - "Next."
07/25/08 - "Next."
07/25/08 - "PS: Accept new armor and weapon."
07/25/08 - "PS: Refuse His Majesty and flip him the bird."
07/25/08 - "MPI: Succumb to unfathomable bratwurst."
07/24/08 - "Next."
07/24/08 - "Next."
07/24/08 - "Next."
07/24/08 - "PI: Take the form of an even more loathsome beast."
07/24/08 - "PI: Ascend to Godhood!"
07/24/08 - "Next."
07/24/08 - "PI: Let the beast swallow you and fight him from the inside."
07/24/08 - "Next."
07/24/08 - "HD: While flipping out, CHAINSAW the lockbox."
07/24/08 - "PI: Rip up buildings and throw at beast."
07/24/08 - "Next."
07/24/08 - "PI: Combat Operandi -> Lv. 8 Pickle Replicsimile."
07/24/08 - "PI: Become overwhelmed by possibilities."
07/23/08 - "Next."
07/23/08 - "Next."
07/23/08 - "AD: Look out window."
07/21/08 - "Next."
07/21/08 - "PS: Land already!"
07/21/08 - "Next."
07/21/08 - "Next."
07/21/08 - "PI: Enter fort."
07/21/08 - "PI: Drink candy corn liquor."
07/21/08 - "PI: Build fort from couch cushions."
07/21/08 - "AD: Take wig."
07/21/08 - "AD: Examine wig."
07/21/08 - "HD: Wield the lipstick in calm, casual manner."
07/21/08 - "HD: Take the lipstick."
07/21/08 - "Next."
07/21/08 - "PI: Use TALLNESS powers to press face in highest indentation"
07/21/08 - "PI: Functions -> Ogle -> Paper -> Table"
07/13/08 - "Next."
07/13/08 - "PS: Make a pit stop at the sleazy brothel in the sky."
07/13/08 - "Next."
07/13/08 - "PI: Go through weasel bust. Flip bird to elf bust on the way"
07/12/08 - "PS: Grab parachute and jump through upside-down window."
07/12/08 - "PS: Push buttons on the machine randomly!"
07/12/08 - "Next."
07/12/08 - "Small AD: Look for exit from giant dame's apartment."
07/12/08 - "Next."
07/12/08 - "Next."
07/12/08 - "Next."
07/12/08 - "AD: Ignore the portal. There's victuals to be had."
07/07/08 - "Next."
07/07/08 - "AD: Quick, hop into storefront before beast disappears."
07/07/08 - "AD: Oh yeah, go through window."
07/07/08 - "Next."
07/07/08 - "PS: Decipher code using enigma machine."
07/07/08 - "AD: Open buffet cabinet."
07/07/08 - "Next."
07/07/08 - "AD: Return melons to pigs in manly fashion."
07/07/08 - "Next."
07/07/08 - "Next."
07/07/08 - "NB: Call the fella."
07/07/08 - "NB: Pick up card next to phone."
07/07/08 - "Next."
07/07/08 - "NB: Search room to make sure it contains no Fancy Santas."
07/07/08 - "NB: Examine mural in order to calm nerves."
07/05/08 - "PS: Go back up."
07/05/08 - "PS: Go get pig poster from Ace Dick's office."
07/05/08 - "Next."
07/05/08 - "AD: Politely ask weasel to calm the fuck down."
07/05/08 - "AD: Accept righteous mission."
07/05/08 - "Next."
07/05/08 - "Next."
07/05/08 - "NB: Apply make up."
07/05/08 - "PS: Check Score."
07/02/08 - "Next."
07/02/08 - "PS: Enter door."
07/02/08 - "NB: Close medicine cabinet."
07/02/08 - "NB: Examine gazebo-ish model."
07/02/08 - "NB: Retrieve the lipstick from the bed. Ominously."
07/02/08 - "Next."
07/02/08 - "AD: Establish superiority by punching nearest hog in snout."
06/29/08 - "AD: Deploy parachute."
06/29/08 - "Next."
06/29/08 - "Next."
06/29/08 - "Next."
06/29/08 - "PI: Blindly take large amounts of pills."
06/29/08 - "PI: Enter cabinet portal."
06/29/08 - "Next."
06/29/08 - "PS: Attempt to move weasel bust."
06/23/08 - "Next."
06/23/08 - "Next."
06/23/08 - "Next."
06/23/08 - "HD: Open music box."
06/23/08 - "HD: Look closer."
06/23/08 - "HD: Sssssstab. Ssstab. Stab. Stab stab stab."
06/23/08 - "Next."
06/23/08 - "AD: Strap on parachute, enter the acherontic hole."
06/23/08 - "Next."
06/23/08 - "AD: turn off the window."
06/22/08 - "AD: Prop window above column and push button."
06/22/08 - "AD: Wait, no. Better idea..."
06/22/08 - "AD: Put self on top of column and push button."
06/22/08 - "PI: Open Cabinet"
06/22/08 - "PI: Ogle the cabinet open."
06/22/08 - "Next."
06/22/08 - "HD: Grab the knife and let out terrifying battle cry."
06/21/08 - "Next."
06/21/08 - "AD: Push button."
06/21/08 - "Next."
06/21/08 - "Next."
06/21/08 - "HD: Call the strapping sleuth fella one more time."
06/21/08 - "Next."
06/21/08 - "AD: Enter code from sheet into code machine."
06/21/08 - "Next."
06/21/08 - "HD: Search room for missing phone parts."
06/21/08 - "HD: Scream into pillow to lower hysteria meter."
06/19/08 - "Next."
06/19/08 - "HD: Search room for business card of hard boiled detective."
06/19/08 - "HD: Check drawer for strapping fellas."
06/19/08 - "HD: Hurl pillow at door to break it down."
06/19/08 - "HD: Hurl teddy bear at door to break it down."
06/19/08 - "HD: Quickly retrieve arms from drawer."
06/18/08 - "Next."
06/18/08 - "Next."
06/18/08 - "PS: Enter wardrobe."
06/18/08 - "PS: Open wardrobe."
06/18/08 - "PI: Fall in a sillier manner."
06/18/08 - "Next."
06/18/08 - "Next."
06/18/08 - "PS: drop one (1) CANDY CORN to distract your pursuers."
06/16/08 - "PI: Enter spiderhole."
06/16/08 - "PI: Politely accept reward for your heroics."
06/16/08 - "AD: Open control panel."
06/16/08 - "Next."
06/16/08 - "Next."
06/16/08 - "Next."
06/16/08 - "AD: Go through window."
06/16/08 - "PS: Abscond with the pie."
06/16/08 - "Next."
06/16/08 - "PS: Politely ask the pair of hands for the pie."
06/15/08 - "Next."
06/15/08 - "PS: Quit falling and land already!"
06/15/08 - "Next."
06/15/08 - "Next."
06/15/08 - "AD: Go down to skylight and get game code."
06/15/08 - "PS: Fall in a more hardboiled manner."
06/15/08 - "PI: Give weasels elf eggs."
06/15/08 - "PI: Eat eggs."
06/13/08 - "PS: Enter hatch."
06/13/08 - "Next."
06/13/08 - "PS: Accept mission."
06/13/08 - "PI: Check it out."
06/13/08 - "PI: Look around."
06/13/08 - "PS: Change allegiance to calm elves."
06/11/08 - "PS: Go down and see what the elves are up to."
06/11/08 - "Next."
06/11/08 - "PI: Tower over weasels in brazen display of HEIGHT attribute"
06/11/08 - "Next."
06/11/08 - "AD: Open hatch in floor."
06/11/08 - "AD: Check behind the door."
06/11/08 - "AD: Check out monitors."
06/11/08 - "AD: Examine the map on the wall."
06/08/08 - "Next."
06/08/08 - "PS: Appoint PI as chosen savior of the weasels."
06/08/08 - "Next."
06/08/08 - "PS: Ok, fine, align thyself with the weasels."
06/08/08 - "AD: Go through door's window and throw the switch."
06/08/08 - "PI: Ogle the Emissary disconcertingly to calm him down."
06/08/08 - "PS: Use MOLLIFY to calm down the emissary."
06/07/08 - "PS: Align thyself with the elves."
06/07/08 - "PS: Press all the shoulder buttons and start + select."
06/06/08 - "PS: [ALLEGIANCE MENU]"
06/06/08 - "Next."
06/06/08 - "PS: Summon Weasel King."
06/06/08 - "AD: Use Trombone to breath underwater!"
06/06/08 - "AD: Go grab Pickle Inspector's skull."
06/06/08 - "PI: Insert skull in groove."
06/05/08 - "Next."
06/05/08 - "Next."
06/05/08 - "PS: [BATTLE MENU]"
06/05/08 - "PI: Retrieve skull from elf hideout."
06/05/08 - "No, wait, that's stupid."
06/05/08 - "PS: Carve surprised face in pumpkin and put it in sad recess"
06/04/08 - "PS, PI: Go in."
06/04/08 - "PS: Sweet-talk your way in through doors."
06/04/08 - "AD: Displace Trombone."
06/04/08 - "AD: Leave the building!"
05/21/08 - "AD: Step outside office."
05/21/08 - "PI: Go get candy corn liquor."
05/21/08 - "PI: Give some tears to PS."
05/21/08 - "PI: Go down chimney again, get more tears, and handgun."
05/21/08 - "PS: Go upstairs."
05/21/08 - "PS: See if your office is ok after explosion."
05/21/08 - "AD: Check on the candy corn liquor."
05/21/08 - "AD: Drop your own skull through skylight."
05/21/08 - "AD: Drop handgun through skylight."
05/20/08 - "Next."
05/20/08 - "CRACK."
05/20/08 - "Next."
05/20/08 - "Next."
05/20/08 - "Next."
05/20/08 - "No, just stay put and see what happens."
05/20/08 - "AD: Ride still like a mechanical bull."
05/20/08 - "Next."
05/20/08 - "AD: Go out window and duck for cover."
05/20/08 - "AD: Check progess of candy corn fermentation."
05/20/08 - "Next."
05/20/08 - "PS: Fire tommy gun at target above piano."
05/20/08 - "AD: Make candy corn liquor."
05/20/08 - "PI: Tie rope around bust and oboe, strung through pulleys."
05/20/08 - "Next."
05/20/08 - "AD, PS: Swap handgun and tommygun through slots."
05/20/08 - "Next."
05/20/08 - "PS: Go to piano; play Moonlight Sonata."
05/20/08 - "AD: Pass rope through skylight."
05/20/08 - "AD: Go out window, on to roof. Pick up hairpin."
05/20/08 - "AD: Collect deceased Pickle Inspector's items."
05/20/08 - "PI: Go through double doors."
05/20/08 - "PI: Move the bust onto the X."
05/20/08 - "PI: Remove oboe blocking doors at bottom of stairs."
05/20/08 - "PI: Ride bust like a mechanical bull."
05/19/08 - "Next."
05/19/08 - "PI: Go up chimney."
05/19/08 - "PS: Take paper."
05/19/08 - "PS: Dial STAR-HEART-HORSESHOE on phone."
05/19/08 - "Next."
05/19/08 - "PI: Plug skylight into power outlet."
05/19/08 - "PI: Collect elf tears."
05/19/08 - "Next."
05/19/08 - "PI: Threaten elves with hairpin to make them cry."
05/19/08 - "PI: Look underneath table."
05/17/08 - "PI: Join the elves."
05/17/08 - "PI: Dammit, this is no time for shenanigans! Stop the water!"
05/17/08 - "Next."
05/17/08 - "Next."
05/17/08 - "PS: Go look through mural holes."
05/17/08 - "PS: Go retrieve UNPLEASANT NOTE from dumbwaiter room."
05/17/08 - "PI: Stick hairpin in outlet"
05/17/08 - "PI: Forget the degenerate gamblers and save the drowning elf"
05/16/08 - "Next."
05/16/08 - "Next."
05/16/08 - "Next."
05/16/08 - "Next."
05/16/08 - "Next."
05/16/08 - "Next."
05/16/08 - "PI: Hurry upstairs!"
05/16/08 - "PI: Take horn."
05/16/08 - "BEAST: Put on hat."
05/15/08 - "Next."
05/15/08 - "PS: Use legs to imitate creature's mating dance."
05/15/08 - "PI: Fire!"
05/15/08 - "PI: Imagine Jawbreaker Cannon."
05/14/08 - "Next."
05/14/08 - "Next."
05/14/08 - "PS: Investigate the window."
05/14/08 - "Next."
05/14/08 - "Next."
05/14/08 - "AD: truffle shuffle level 2!!"
05/14/08 - "Next."
05/14/08 - "AD: One word--Belly of the Whale."
05/14/08 - "Next."
05/14/08 - "Next."
05/14/08 - "PS: Use monster legs to jump up to compatriots."
05/12/08 - "PI, AD: Go up dumbwaiter, into AD's window."
05/12/08 - "PS: Summon weasel king."
05/12/08 - "AD: Take dog from man."
05/09/08 - "PI: Conjure peanut brittle dumbwaiter."
05/09/08 - "PI: Get imaginary candy corn."
05/09/08 - "PI: Examine POLISHED HORN."
05/09/08 - "PS: Use legs like power armor and stroll around city."
05/09/08 - "PS: Jump onto monster's legs."
05/08/08 - "Reap spoils of battle."
05/08/08 - "AD: [BATTLE MENU]"
05/08/08 - "PI: [BATTLE MENU]"
05/08/08 - "PS: [BATTLE MENU]"
05/08/08 - "Next."
05/08/08 - "All: Exit and begin candy-oriented assault!"
05/08/08 - "PI: Shoot Ace Dick in the face."
05/08/08 - "Pose as a team, because SHIT JUST GOT REAL."
04/28/08 - "Next."
04/28/08 - "Next."
04/28/08 - "Next."
04/28/08 - "PS: Ask PI to conjure more powerful guns."
04/28/08 - "Next."
04/28/08 - "PS: Charge down hall shouting profanities and being silly."
04/28/08 - "AD: Whisper to PI to rouse PS's curious suspicion."
04/26/08 - "PS: Exit office."
04/26/08 - "Next."
04/26/08 - "Next."
04/26/08 - "PS: Enter fort."
04/26/08 - "PS: Tell dame on phone to call back; take slug of whiskey."
04/26/08 - "Next."
04/26/08 - "PS: Throw the switch."
04/26/08 - "PS: Use instruments on respective jazz legends."
04/26/08 - "PS: Retrieve CLARINET, TRUMPET, and TUBA from secret room."
04/24/08 - "Next."
04/24/08 - "PI: Drink some illicit moonshin and rush to your fort."
04/24/08 - "PI: Add skylight to inventory."
04/24/08 - "Next."
04/24/08 - "AD: MC Hammer slide out of the room."
04/24/08 - "AD: Drink brandy and forget you are on fire."
04/24/08 - "Next."
04/24/08 - "AD: Go up the stairs; attempt to open door."
04/24/08 - "PS: Go down the stairs; attempt to open door."
04/24/08 - "Next."
04/24/08 - "PS: Play beethoven's 'moonlight sonata' on the piano."
04/24/08 - "PS: Examine plaques beneath pictures."
04/23/08 - "Next."
04/23/08 - "Next."
04/23/08 - "Next."
04/23/08 - "Next."
04/23/08 - "PI: Add hairpin to inventory."
04/23/08 - "PI: Take sip of HOT SAUCE."
04/23/08 - "PI: Siphon liquid."
04/23/08 - "PI: Look for a container to siphon the liquid into."
04/23/08 - "PI: Search room for drinking implement!"
04/23/08 - "PI: Leave."
04/23/08 - "PI: Ask the elf for wishes."
04/23/08 - "Next."
04/23/08 - "PI: Break the glass in the door, dislodging the trombone"
04/22/08 - "Next."
04/22/08 - "Next."
04/22/08 - "CUT SCENE"
04/22/08 - "Ok, fire Tommy gun at target."
04/22/08 - "AD: Load keys and use on target on ceiling."
04/20/08 - "PI: Take a hearty swig from mysterious bottles."
04/20/08 - "Next."
04/20/08 - "Next."
04/20/08 - "PS, AD, and PI: DANCE!"
04/20/08 - "AH: Become homoerotically interested in your fan."
04/20/08 - "PI: Look at card."
04/20/08 - "PI: Become homoerotically interested in your fan."
04/20/08 - "PI: Eat Smarties to boost vim."
04/20/08 - "PI: Replace the cover on the elf picture, it bothers you."
04/20/08 - "PI: Take a look out hole in door."
04/14/08 - "Next."
04/14/08 - "Ok, sweet."
04/14/08 - "Pick up hairpin."
04/14/08 - "Look around room."
04/14/08 - "AD and PS: Examine rooms."
04/12/08 - "PS: Use hammer to pry boards off door in safe room."
04/12/08 - "AD: Check if the key works on the lock in the safe room."
04/12/08 - "AD: Search through your vomit to find your key."
04/12/08 - "PS: Call PI with newly assembled phone."
04/12/08 - "PS: Put your phone back together."
04/12/08 - "PS: Plug window back in, examine loot tied to tape."
04/10/08 - "Next."
04/10/08 - "Check on imaginary battle."
04/10/08 - "Next."
04/10/08 - "AD: Get closer to the beast and fire."
04/10/08 - "AD and PS: fire at will!"
04/10/08 - "AD: Use half-dead body as a bait for that monster."
04/10/08 - "PS: Get that dog-walking gentleman to help you out."
04/09/08 - "... Next?"
04/09/08 - "Next."
04/09/08 - "PS: Send tape up with hammer and phone part."
04/09/08 - "Follow him."
04/09/08 - "Next."
04/09/08 - "Look inside."
04/09/08 - "AD: Knock furiously on the door."
04/09/08 - "AD: Head over to PI's place for imaginary mixer."
04/09/08 - "AD: Pick up poorly drawn gun."
04/08/08 - "Next."
04/08/08 - "AD: Go into fort."
04/08/08 - "AD: Take a healthy swig of whiskey to restore some vim."
04/08/08 - "AD: Vomit up key."
04/08/08 - "AD: Get the fuck out of here!!!"
04/08/08 - "AD: Use your KEYS to kill the beast."
04/08/08 - "AD: No, wait, never mind."
04/08/08 - "AD: Appease the beast by doing the truffle shuffle."
04/08/08 - "AD: Address this beast situation."
04/08/08 - "PS: Drink whiskey and go into fort."
04/08/08 - "PS: Alert Pickle Inspector to turn on his window."
04/07/08 - "Next."
04/07/08 - "Next."
04/07/08 - "Look in window."
04/07/08 - "Next."
04/07/08 - "Go down stairs."
04/07/08 - "AD: Use rope to escape office through window."
04/07/08 - "Pick up keys."
04/07/08 - "Open door lock with tommygun."
04/07/08 - "AD: Exit dumbwaiter."
04/06/08 - "PS: Get phone parts and hook them up to your phone."
04/06/08 - "Next."
04/06/08 - "Go up dumbwaiter."
04/06/08 - "Go in."
04/06/08 - "AD: Use bust stand as a step to access the safe."
04/06/08 - "AD: Throw fort out window."
04/05/08 - "AD: See what you have stashed in the safe."
04/05/08 - "AD: Build fort."
04/05/08 - "Next."
04/05/08 - "AD: Candy corn vampire."
04/05/08 - "PS: Look through clown picture at Ace."
04/05/08 - "AD: Get candy corn in preparation of your own vampire act."
04/04/08 - "Next."
04/04/08 - "AD: Throw hammer through window."
04/04/08 - "Next."
04/04/08 - "AD: Use tommygun on safe keyholes."
04/04/08 - "AD: Examine rope."
04/04/08 - "AD: Examine the cruet next to the Snoop Dogg bust."
04/04/08 - "Throw."
04/04/08 - "AD: Throw Snoop Dogg through big window portal."
04/02/08 - "AUGH."
04/02/08 - "Look through holes."
04/02/08 - "Unplug window."
04/02/08 - "AD: Go look through pig painting to see what PS is up to."
04/02/08 - "AD: Use it to open safe."
04/02/08 - "AD: Examine notes."
04/02/08 - "PS: Go into dumbwaiter so you can receive an item."
04/02/08 - "Ok, cool."
04/02/08 - "AD: Pounce on keys before they disappear."
04/02/08 - "PS: Check behind clown poster."
04/01/08 - "No wait, don't do that."
04/01/08 - "PS: Climb halfway out window, then unplug window."
04/01/08 - "Next."
04/01/08 - "AD: Look inside Huggy Bear statue for riches."
04/01/08 - "Next."
04/01/08 - "AD: Slip PS his phone parts."
04/01/08 - "AD: Get the phone pieces sitting around."
04/01/08 - "AD: Pick up tommy gun."
04/01/08 - "Ok, forget it then."
04/01/08 - "AD: Reach through window and move scaffolding out of the way"
03/30/08 - "Next."
03/30/08 - "Next."
03/30/08 - "Next."
03/30/08 - "Throw."
03/30/08 - "Throw Hutch bust at it."
03/30/08 - "Check behind paper stuck to door for combo."
03/30/08 - "Next."
03/30/08 - "Slip glass through slot."
03/30/08 - "Give Ace piece of glass to cut rope."
03/30/08 - "Activate the reel-to-reel."
03/30/08 - "Climb down the tape to retrieve your things."
03/28/08 - "Try to get the Hutch bust's attention."
03/28/08 - "Next."
03/28/08 - "REJOICE!"
03/26/08 - "Take a look."
03/26/08 - "Next."
03/26/08 - "Look through elf holes."
03/26/08 - "Poke curtain rod at note."
03/25/08 - "Next."
03/25/08 - "Look through them."
03/25/08 - "Examine the mural for hidden clues."
03/25/08 - "Throw out window."
03/25/08 - "Cut to the chase and use cinderblock."
03/25/08 - "Make lasso out of tape and pull phone back in."
03/25/08 - "Next."
03/25/08 - "Flip window upside-down and shake to retrieve phone."
03/24/08 - "Go check it out."
03/24/08 - "Get candy corn."
03/24/08 - "Chug coffee with no regard for temperature."
03/22/08 - "Next."
03/22/08 - "Next."
03/22/08 - "Look up at your office window."
03/22/08 - "Follow the EXIT sign."
03/22/08 - "Enter the P.I. room."
03/21/08 - "Next."
03/21/08 - "Leave room."
03/21/08 - "Go harass Ace Dick."
03/21/08 - "Stride confidently through office door."
03/21/08 - "Try to take imaginary gun back into real world."
03/21/08 - "Gorge yourself on imaginary candy corn."
03/21/08 - "Eat steak dinners with hands."
03/21/08 - "Answer the imaginary phone."
03/20/08 - "Next."
03/20/08 - "Drift into realm of make-believe."
03/20/08 - "Hurry!"
03/20/08 - "Back to the ol' fort!"
03/20/08 - "Clean horns."
03/20/08 - "Take swig from FLASK OF WHISKEY."
03/19/08 - "END CUT SCENE."
03/19/08 - "Next."
03/19/08 - "Next."
03/19/08 - "CUT SCENE"
03/19/08 - "But pee on the card beforehand."
03/19/08 - "Feed your "BUSTS-R-US" card through slot."
03/19/08 - "Next."
03/19/08 - "Listen."
03/19/08 - "Peep through the slit."
03/18/08 - "Go down."
03/18/08 - "Get in dummy elevator."
03/18/08 - "Put card in your inventory."
03/18/08 - "Check out the paper on the wall."
03/18/08 - "Play a haunting tuba refrain."
03/18/08 - "Check out the paper on the floor."
03/17/08 - "Barge into the room with wild abandon."
03/17/08 - "Wrap yourself in recording tape like a mummy."
03/17/08 - "Use the key on the safe."
03/17/08 - "Pee through the clown eyes into ace dick's office."
03/17/08 - "Swap the safe key with the candy corn."
03/17/08 - "Play back message on the reel to reel."
03/17/08 - "Pull hat back in."
03/16/08 - "Catch the key."
03/16/08 - "Use hat as a key net, then throw coffee maker."
03/16/08 - "Pick it up."
03/16/08 - "Investigate coffee machine-looking object in the corner."
03/16/08 - "Take the note."
03/16/08 - "Check out what's on the false safe."
03/16/08 - "KLUNK."
03/16/08 - "Throw cinderblock at the door."
03/16/08 - "Examine aftermath of shitstorm."
03/16/08 - "Drop kick the door."
03/16/08 - "Plug the damn window back in."
03/16/08 - "Shout insults at Ace Dick through the clown painting."
03/15/08 - "Next."
03/15/08 - "Get a look at the unobstructed view."
03/15/08 - "Push the curtain rod through one of the clown's eye holes."
03/15/08 - "Next."
03/15/08 - "Look through the eyes of the clown."
03/15/08 - "Unplug the window to conserve electricity."
03/15/08 - "Get cinderblock and phone receiver out of false window."
03/15/08 - "Shoot safe."
03/15/08 - "Crumple it up and throw it away."
03/15/08 - "Enter the combination."
03/15/08 - "Use numbers from sheet of paper to open the safe."
03/15/08 - "Place false window in inventory."
03/14/08 - "Put window down."
03/14/08 - "Next."
03/14/08 - "Crack open window."
03/14/08 - "Go look."
03/14/08 - "Throw the devil phone out the window."
03/14/08 - "Answer the phone in a very hard-boiled way."
03/13/08 - "Check it out."
03/13/08 - "RING-RING."
03/13/08 - "Fantasize."
03/13/08 - "Use your imagination to play make-believe."
03/13/08 - "Using the chair, cinderblocks, and paneling, make a fort."
03/13/08 - "Read the note under the coffee."
03/12/08 - "Turn around."
03/12/08 - "What's that?"
03/12/08 - "Pick up shard of glass and put it in your inventory."
03/12/08 - "Look."
03/12/08 - "Throw cinderblock at window, thereby discovering it is fake."
03/12/08 - "Ask the movers with the moving van to remove Starsky statue."
03/12/08 - "Take a look outside."
03/12/08 - "Peer out the window to see what floor you're on."
03/12/08 - "Next"
03/12/08 - "Throw a cinderblock at the door."
03/12/08 - "Look through the eyes of the clown."
03/11/08 - "Take a closer look at the mysterious clown picture."
03/11/08 - "Take the bust's sunglasses."
03/11/08 - "Look through the newly made hole in the door."
03/11/08 - "Walk out of the room through the now unlocked door."
03/11/08 - "Take card."
03/11/08 - "Never mind, what's under the phone?"
03/11/08 - "Check what is taped to the bottom of the phone"
03/11/08 - "Use the key on the door and open it."
03/11/08 - "OW."
03/11/08 - "Exchange gun for whisky, then drink."
03/11/08 - "Drink the whisky and remember the good ol' days."
03/11/08 - "Get ye flask."
03/11/08 - "Look under the fake wood paneling of the desk."
03/11/08 - "Next"
03/11/08 - "Next"
03/11/08 - "Open safe."
03/11/08 - "Next."
03/11/08 - "Check the other side of the paper."
03/10/08 - "Store candy corn in safe"
03/10/08 - "Next"
03/10/08 - "Get key"
03/10/08 - "Check pockets and desk drawers for phone parts"
03/10/08 - "Call the royal locksmith!"
03/10/08 - "Manhandle the door knob, there are dames to be rescued!"
03/10/08 - "Take the piece of paper."
03/10/08 - "Thud."
03/10/08 - "Break through glass with fist to unlock door."
03/10/08 - "Retrieve your gun, there are dames to be rescued!"
03/10/08 - "Quickly retrieve arms from safe."
03/10/08 - "Problem Sleuth"

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04/08/16 - "====>"
04/07/16 - "====>"
04/07/16 - "====>"
04/07/16 - "====>"
04/07/16 - "====>"
04/07/16 - "====>"
04/07/16 - "====>"
04/06/16 - "END OF ACT 6"
04/06/16 - "[S] Collide."
04/02/16 - "[A6A6I5] ====>"

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RSS: Adventure Updates

Posted on 29 July 2011 by Andrew

I'm heading out for the weekend. I had planned on putting something up before I left, but guess I'm running late with it. Wasn't planning on a break of such length, but looks like there'll be nothing to see until next week, due to *mishaps*.

Wanderers + Sburb
Posted on 14 July 2011 by Andrew

The first, an Exile-centric album brought to you by a collection of artists. The second, a solo album composed by Tyler Dever and performed by Erik Scheele. Both are great!

Are you running out of room on your ipod yet? You might have to start deleting some of that crappy non-HS music soon.

Oh Hey.
Posted on 7 July 2011 by Andrew

Two points of business to trouble you with. ONE: The What Pumpkin store has, mostly, been restocked. TWO: There's a good chance that the Bandcamp page will have new content some time next week.

That's all for now!
Posted on 20 June 2011 by Andrew

I'll be out of town for a week, from 6/21 to 6/27. I will try to get some work done while I'm on the road, but updates will most likely be sparse til then. I am just doing you the service of liberating you from this extremely engaging web comic for a short period of time, so that you are free to go do other things, like play volleyball on the beach, and give high fives to your coolest friends.

I also feel that it is important to make an annual tradition of announcing a week long hiatus after sequences culminating in sloppy makeouts. What makeouts will be happening next year? How sloppy will they be? This is how I keep people hooked.

Two Albums
Posted on 31 May 2011 by Andrew

Homestuck Volume 7: At the Price of Oblivion


A solo album by Michael Guy Bowman called Mobius Trip and Hadron Kaleido

Volume 7 is pretty self explanatory. Contains many songs from the story, plus a bunch of other great new ones. I say this every time, but this is now the best HS volume. AND IT KEEPS BEING TRUE EVERY TIME I SAY IT.

On the solo album: M.G. Bowman has done a lot to shape the sound of Homestuck. Among his contributions were Explore and Sburban Jungle (end of acts 2 and 3 music). He is also a mastermind behind the ambitious Hare Force One project (people ship Con Air bunnies to each other all over the globe). For his album, he has created two characters whose names are featured in the title. They exist somewhere in the Homestuck universe, playing their own session, and each song captures something about their adventure. See his website for what he has to say about it personally. I think it's a really fun and creative album with a fantastic sound.

Tavia Morra and Richard Gung, both art team contributors, worked on the art for this album together. Tavia and Michael themselves actually dress up as the characters and pose in the album graphics. These are serious entertainers, folks.

Posted on 26 May 2011 by Andrew

If you ordered something from the WP store earlier in the month, those items have either been shipped already or will be very soon.

Also, all of the charity squiddles have shipped too. If you ordered one, and it doesn't arrive in the next week or two, let me know and I will look into it. As for the charity sketches, those I will be completing and mailing shortly as well.

Music: Albums incoming. Hang in there. I estimate they will drop within a week. They will contain songs you have heard, and many you haven't. They are great.

Dry spell
Posted on 15 May 2011 by Andrew

Nine days without a new page is a pretty long time! What was even UP with me? 5 days in Toronto + 4 days animating I guess is what was up. Ok that sounds reasonable. Everyone agrees with that and holds the creator exempt from charges of gross dereliction. We all smile pretty hard and our faces begin to hurt a little.

The song is M. Brown's BL1ND JUST1C3 : 1NV3ST1G4T1ON !! and can be found in an existing album, unmolested by disc errors.

Speaking of which, there will be more music on Bandcamp some time this month, won't there? Yes. Let me go talk it over with the music guys and see what we can put together for you over the next week or two. Hold on, let me go do that now, don't go anywhere.

Off I go
Posted on 5 May 2011 by Andrew

Ok, I am heading to TorontoCAF. I will see you there.

Be back next week. That is where all the updates will be hiding. The future.

God Tier Hoodies
Posted on 4 May 2011 by Andrew

New god tier hoodies in the What Pumpkin store! Plus a bunch of other new items, and a restocking of existing ones.

Only John's and Vriska's are available for now. There are more planned for the near future. (i.e. Aradia's) Note that there are t-shirt versions of the hoodies too, at different shades for a little variety (the tee colors actually correspond to the darker color of the hoods in the comic). Also take a look at the new long sleeve Jade shirt, with her vintage atom symbol. I think it's a nice complement to Dave's broken record shirt, which has the same raglan sleeve style.

Also: PRINTS! There are many great HS fan artists out there, in the art team and otherwise. For a while I have have the idea to offer prints of selected works here and there. For now there are some by art team members Lexxy and SA. I hope to add more to this page gradually.

And one last point on the store. Please take notice of the new support system. If you have a question or a problem with an order, please go through that! The old What Pumpkin email address has gotten swamped with so many different types of correspondence, it's become very difficult to field support cases through it. If you use the new system, rapid satisfaction is considerably more likely!

Posted on 28 Apr 2011 by Andrew

I should also mention that soon I will be attending TCAF! If you can make it to Canada, you should come. If you happen to already be in Canada, then you really have no excuse not to go.

Insert disc 2
Posted on 28 Apr 2011 by Andrew

FACT: You will navigate the latest pages in different ways depending on your browser conditions. At the end of Insert disc 2, on many browsers (e.g. mine), you will automatically be redirected to the next page when it finishes "loading", or you may get there by clicking the link to "[S] Seer: Ascend" inside the Flash panel. These features will not work for some browsers, and instead you will see this message. Accessing that url will redirect you to the next page, [S] Seer: Ascend.

Note that there is no hyperlink to the next page below the disc 2 panel, and never will be. You must venture into disc 2 through one of the ways described above! I probably wouldn't have even bothered mentioning this if not for the browser compatibility hiccup.

The SbaHJ shirts.....: it is turning into a proud tradition that several weeks after releasing any SBaHJ product I must inform you that they all do in fact glow in the dark, in case you didn't realize. Please suspend this alarming reality in your thoughts as you urgently scramble to use your dollars to make them become your property.

Speaking of scrambling, dollars, and your ludicrous zeal for all the insanely rad things I advise you to drape over your body, there will be lots of cool new things in the WP store, very, very soon.

Posted on 14 Apr 2011 by Andrew

Two years of Homestuck!

But before we talk about that, let's carefully examine this fine new album by Clark Powell, who is responsible for such HS scores as Three in the Morning, and the Gate 1 Doctor remix, as well as a plethora of other album songs.

This one's very cool. Clark has a great ambient sound, and his idea for the album was to musically express the Medium's planets, through both their elements and themes. I think he nailed it. Cover art was tag-teamed by me and Cindy (the lady who touches all your WP shirts).

Also: New Topatoco items!

First of all, you will notice there are two new Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff shirts. People are always coming up to me and saying "we NEED more insanely shitty looking shirts to wear to places like church and stuff." What choice to I have but to serve these rowdy individuals with dollars in their hands and outstanding taste in their opinions???

In truth, Jeffrey and I cannot help ourselves from attempting to capitalize on this nonsense, because we both need aggressive psychiatric examination. But if you don't buy these shirts, we will both feel ashamed and foolish. Please buy these shirts. I'm begging you. If you don't, we will probably weep in each others arms, swaddled in an orange heap of 3000 dunking Big Men. As an incentive, I will make this solemn pledge. If I sell out of all of these SBaHJ shirts within a week, you are guaranteed to discover that I have permanently emblazoned SBaHJ iconography on my body somewhere, with real, honest to gog foreverink. You'll wonder how high I even will have had to have been. Fact. 8^y

Also note the classy Sepulchritude hoodie, perfect complement to your Sepulchritude tee. I will be coming out with HS god tier hoodies soon through What Pumpkin, and I thought that as long as such garments were being offered, it would be nice to have a Problem Sleuth one in the mix too. Plus, the godhoods won't have zipper fronts, and this one does. So if you like to zip up, like if that's your thing, then this is for you.


The two year anniversary of HS has come and gone. Not as much fanfare in-story about it as I'd hoped, but at least it got a nod. Remember when games came on multiple disks? You always were asked to swap during a kind of peculiar and underwhelming moment, like walking through a thing, or talking to a guy. Sometimes it was shortly after you got an airship, or something.

I had plans to do something a little more mesmerizing, like last year, but started running out of time. So I revised the plans, then ran out of time for THOSE too. And so on, til I said screw it. Disc 1 probably wouldn't have been able to fit another hefty animation in it anyway. Those discs are only like what, 700 MB??

It takes a lot to meet a deadline coming up fast, when the thing you are planning is meant to be a BIG DEAL, by definition. First you must come up with an animation idea, and that itself will take a long time to make. Then you must move the story along to the exact precipice of that moment, which also takes time, and must do so with enough time left to animate! Plenty of ways to blow it. Making this story on the fly requires not just a lot of drawing and writing, but the sensibilities of a producer. Knowing when to appropriate large amounts of effort for what purposes given various time constraints. I make adjustments to plans all the time, just like I did with the last 4/13 milestone (was originally scheduling end of act 4 for that). Hence this milestone was less jaw dropping, but then if you recall, the original 4/13 celebration was pretty underwhelming too. What will next 4/13 bring? Guess we'll see.

If I'm taking the time to reflect on two years of Homestuck as an achievement I'll do so here only as a gesture of gratitude to the steadfast readers, new and old. I am humbled by your devotion. This is not any sort of platitude to be dismissed as quasi-sincere acceptance speech fodder, or a dispatch from my PR department because sometimes you guys give me money for stuff. This is sincerely true. I look around and still cannot quite believe the magnitude of the enthusiasm that surrounds this story. I stopped being able to keep track of all the fan art for it more than a year ago, and even then there were thousands of fan-made images I would diligently attempt to pore through. I have honestly never seen so much fan art created for anything, anywhere, ever. Even things which have millions of dollars backing their production budgets. Maybe Harry Potter has more? (Alright let's get real. HS fan art is probably just now beginning to approach the subset of drawings that involve Harry being naked with somebody.) Greater and greater hordes of troll cosplayers can be spotted taking over the floors of conventions. You could have pressed me on the subject, but I never would have guessed anyone could be quite so tickled to be slathered in messy gray makeup and crowned by a homemade pair of horns. There is this seething passion for HS that is a self-organizing, autonomous entity unto itself, which is practically inaccessible to my understanding or involvement, even though I'm responsible for the content driving it. I've kept Homestuck's fire hot; its gaping furnace was hungry for coal so I got goddamn shoveling. But you have been responsible for breathing life into this monstrous organism which surrounds me, and now in its breadth transcends my work entirely. To thank you as a whole for this phenomenon almost doesn't sound rational. It's like thanking a furious thunderstorm for the deluge of rain it gave to your thirsty little box of poseys. My paltry utterance dissipates in the far deep rumbling. The clouds don't even notice I'm there because they're too busy swapping fan fiction. Maybe instead I'll offer something more significant than gratitude. Something more personal and experiential. I'll submit my amazement. You can't see me now, but it is a look of wonder and discovery. A boyish look of astonishment at something remarkable beyond words, like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon, but on a more cosmic scale and more viscerally shocking. Like a squealing horrorterror's gruesome Cesarean birth. That is the look I have every time I disrupt the tunnel vision that keeps the work's bright sun searing my eyes. When they adjust to the dark, I see the silhouette in soft black focus of the young planet sized monster, chirping its affections. I offer it this look because it is all I have to give, with the exception of the tears streaming down my face. Its hunger is piqued at the fluid and my only regret is I can never possibly provide enough to nourish the orphan, now that it can never know the taste of its dead mother's heinous teatbrine.


Or I could just say thanks guys.